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Elena Morozova looking through a painting frame

Elena Morozova


I was born in 1994 in Latvia – a beautiful country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. I have been fascinated with art for as long as I remember and around 2008 started to learn drawing and painting professionally and instantly fell in love with the process. After pursuing a different career path for a while in 2014 I decided to take a chance and pursue a career in painting. In 2019 I received my formal education from the Art Academy of Latvia.

My greatest fascination is COLOR. I believe that by means of color an artist can communicate the subtlest feelings, moods and emotions. In my works, I aim to depict the outside world through the lens of the inner world and combine my academic painting skills with my own expressive manner of depicting the subject. Some of my paintings are a tribute to the beauty of the natural world, others have symbolic meaning. I paint from direct observation and my primary medium is oil paint.

For me, painting has always been something that I do from a place of joy and happiness. I draw my inspiration from the things I see and experience in my everyday life. My greatest artistic influences are masters of painting like Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Vermeer, and 19th-century Impressionist and Post-impressionist painters.

Always in search of new ways of depicting the world, I constantly try to grow my skills and explore different new techniques and mediums. I enjoy experimenting with the texture of paint, the surface of canvas, and the materials I use.

Currently, I live and work in Riga, Latvia.

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